I configured local environment I am facing two issues
1- node-sass stuck on fetching fresh packages. I changed the version
2- yarn start give so many errors / warning and execution stoped
Its for information I am using docker for local development of application
Hello and welcome to Honeyside!
The recommended way to setup a local development environment is not to use docker. I am assuming that you are tinkering with v3-beta. If so, please do as follows:
- Install Node.js latest LTS (14.16.1 at the time of writing). We recommend using nvm (on Mac / Linux) or nvm-windows (on Windows). nvm is the Node.js Version Manager and allows a quick and painless installation of different versions of Node.js.
- We recommend installing yarn and nodemon:
npm i -g yarn
yarn global add nodemon
- Assuming that your current folder is the Clover folder, you should copy the .env file inside backend and frontend:
cp .env backend/.env
cp .env frontend/.env
- You can now run a backend development environment by using the following command (it will listen for changes and restart):
cd backend
nodemon index
- You can now run a frontend development environment by using the following command (it will listen for changes and restart):
cd frontend
yarn start
Feel free to ask us if you still have questions
Have a sweet day!
Note: post title has been edited to something that should be more helpful to other users.
I was able to run V3 but I am having issue in V2.0
With v2, you should create two different config.js files.
Frontend - /react/src/config.js:
export default {
demo: false,
brand: 'Honeyside', // Footer brand
appName: 'Clover', // App Name
showCredits: true, // Show credits in login page
Backend - /node/config.js:
module.exports = {
port: 4000,
secret: 'jwt-default-secret',
db: 'mongodb://localhost:27017', // your mongodb uri
dataFolder: './data',
admin: {
username: 'admin',
email: 'admin@example.com',
password: 'admin',
firstName: 'Admin',
lastName: 'User',
Then, edit the /react/package.json “proxy” property to http://localhost:4000 (or your chosen backend port).
We know this is not ideal, this is why we replaced it with .env files in v3.
Have a sweet day!
Thanks got it working on local with connected to love server
I appreciate your support
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