How can i start again the app? Could you provide commands? I think if you supply a batch file like install.sh it might be better
How can i start again the app? Could you provide commands? I think if you supply a batch file like install.sh it might be better
Hello yamanc and welcome to Honeyside!
This is a good idea for the next update.
For now, create a restart.sh file and paste in the following code:
# Clover Node.js process
cd ./node
pm2 start index.js --name "Clover"
# Only if you are using Acacia from install.sh
cd ../acacia
pm2 start index.js --name "Acacia"
# TURN server
sudo turnserver -n --verbose --lt-cred-mech --user $TURN_USERNAME:$TURN_PASSWORD --realm "clover" --no-dtls --no-tls --listening-port $TURN_PORT --daemon
Then run it with ./restart.sh
Have a sweet day!
Thank you for fast reply.