Unable to Bind to Port error on AWS instance

I have deployed the platform v2.0.0-beta4 on AWS on an EC2 instance. However on trying to start a meeting I get the following error

port bind failed due to address not available [transport:udp, ip:‘’, port:58782, attempt:1/55536]

Hello rajeevb and welcome to Honeyside!

Remember to open all ports on your EC2 instance, both on UDP and TCP.

I am not an expert in EC2 but I think you should associate a Security Group to your EC2 instance with all inbound traffic allowed (both TCP and UDP).

Have a sweet day!


I had opened all ports.

Anything else I should look at?

Make sure that under node/config.js you are seeing the correct ip address of your EC2 instance.

If that is correct, then please send us your server credentials either at support@honeyside.it or via Telegram @HoneysideIT - we will check your installation directly.

Have a sweet day!

I dont see IP address under node/config.js

module.exports = {
port: ,
secret: ‘’,
db: ‘’,
dataFolder: ‘./data’,
admin: {
username: ‘admin’,
email: ‘admin@example.com’,
password: ‘admin’,
firstName: ‘Admin’,
lastName: ‘User’,

I see that your config file is empty, should be something like this:

module.exports = {
    ip: 'YOUR_IP',
    port: 4000, // Or whatever port you want clover to run on
    secret: ‘YOUR_SECRET_KEY’, // Just a random string of random length
    db: ‘clover’, // Or your MongoDB database name
    dataFolder: ‘./data’,
    admin: {
        username: ‘admin’,
        email: ‘admin@example.com’,
        password: ‘admin’,
        firstName: ‘Admin’,
        lastName: ‘User’,

The full config file normally gets generated by the install.sh script for Ubuntu 18.04. It seems very strange to me that the config file is empty. If you are installing Clover manually, keep in mind that you need a reverse proxy with SSL in order for meetings to work, for example nginx. The automated script also installs and configures a reverse proxy.