White label the product. Add my logo

Is there a way I can brand the product with my logo?


Hello Nelshukri,

Instructions for rebranding are as follows:

  1. Edit ./react/src/config.js by adding a brand property and maybe an appName property, depending on your needs. Default is:

    export default {
    // …,
    brand: ‘Honeyside’, // Footer brand
    appName: ‘Clover’, // App Name
    showCredits: true, // Show credits in login page

  2. Replace ./react/src/assets/logo.png

  3. cd ./react” and run “yarn build

We can also help you with rebranding, as part of our installation service. Plese contact us at support@honeyside.it if you are interested.

Have a sweet day!

How come I do the command:
sudo yarn run build and I got message return: Yarn requires Node.js 4.0 or higher to be installed.
and nothing happen …

Hello QLe,

Try running the following command before yarn build: source ~/.profile

If you still have issues, please contact us at support@honeyside.it and we will check your environment for you.

Have a sweet day!

is possible to white-labeling without re-build? like from the admin panel

Hello jfoc,

Not yet, but we are adding this feature in the incoming v3, by beginning of new year.

At the moment, you can edit the following:

  • /react/src/config.js according to the documentation
  • /react/src/assets/logo.png
  • /react/public/background

Then cd react and yarn build. The build will succeed if you have at least 2GB of RAM. Otherwise, you can build on your own PC and then upload the build folder to your server.

If you need help with rebranding and building, send us a private message at @HoneysideIT on Telegram or at support@honeyside.it :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a sweet day!